Ferry transport from Battaramulla Diyatha Uyana to Port City via Wellawatte: Madura Vithanage

It is intended to commence a passenger transport service by ferry from Battaramulla Diyatha Uyana to Port City via Wellawatte and the necessary preliminary work has already been underway, Colombo District Parliamentarian and Kotte Municipal Councillor Madura Vithanage said.

He recalled that he was the only Minister who went to Parliament by boat for the first time in the history while organizing a tour for journalists to raise awareness of the project.

It is 7.5 km sail from the Battaramulla Diyatha Park to Wellawatte and the Diyawanna Oya. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes by boat, and the boat service currently charges Rs.100 for a schoolchild and Rs. 200 for an adult.

He also said that, in addition to being able to complete the journey in a short time, the mental healing that comes from a boat trip is priceless.

“This boat service is a wholly state-owned enterprise and is equipped with high quality vessels. These boats are operated by the Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation.

These ferries are operated by experienced sailers of the Sri Lanka Navy and coupled with safety equipment of the higher standard. He said the ferry service operates daily from 6.00 am to 6.00 pm.

In addition to daily work, school, and other necessities, this boat service allows you to explore the city’s beauty with your family, Minister Vithanage said. 

(Chaturanga Samarawickrama)